As I began reviewing Psalm 103 today, the neatest thing happened. I planned to rethink all that God had already taught me in the first 2 verses, but instead the word "soul" jumped out at me. Bless the Lord, O my SOUL. So I did a little searching.
The word soul comes from the Hebrew word "Nephesh" and it literally means a breathing creature.
Bless the Lord, O my soul.
As I BREATHE I should bless God!
Like I BREATHE prayer, I should BREATHE blessing...(to bless God is to kneel before, worship, and adore Him!)
The breath of life is a very precious thing to me right now. It is so easy to take breathing for granted. God continues to give Amber the breath of life!!! I do not take breathing for granted in Ambers life. I wake up every day and say, "Thank you Lord, for life and breath for Amber today!" And I spent this morning asking the Lord, "Oh please Lord, give baby boy Amick the breath of life!"
SOUL...the dictionary definition...a persons total self
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and ALL that is within me bless His holy name! ALL that is within total self...breathing blessing to God!!
This is the first time I held Amber. Lord willing, within this next week I will be doing the same with my new grand-son! Thank you Lord, for the breath of life for Amber. I praise You, and thank You, and BLESS You, for she is fearfully and wonderfully made. Please breathe the breath of life into baby boy Amick. I trust You with his little life.
God HAS given me the breath of life today. I will breathe blessing God!